Paint Transfer Comparisons

Details of the Model before and after Contact Printing.

This photograph shows the back of the model at the beginning of the experiment before rolling over onto the lower test sheet. It can be seen that the entire back of the model was evenly covered with a liberal coating of runny pigment.

Model's back before taking print

The next photograph clearly shows that the pigment had not been transferred from some areas of the model's back to the cloth and the reddening of areas of the back caused by the pressure of supporting the body on a hard surface can be seen in the areas where the pigment has been removed.

The model commented that trying to lie both flat and completely still on a hard floor was extremely uncomfortable.

It is clear from this photograph that this discomfort was caused by only very small areas of the back supporting the body weight on the hard flat floor.

Model's back after taking print. Note puddles of paint on back, reddening from body weight not being evenly distributed and unmarked lower test sheet despite copious paint still on model.

This photograph shows the model from above after applying the paint but before before the top test sheet was put in place.

The Model's front before taking print.

The next photograph shows the model after the top test sheet was removed.

The pigment has been removed in a much more even manner than on the back and has been taken up from all the areas the cloth touched, including the goin area.

The areas that the cloth had not touched were the neck and the hair.

The Model's front after taking print showing how pigment has been removed from areas which are indistinct in the Turin shroud. The highlighted areas coincide with the marked areas on the print

In the next reversed photograph of the contact print it is noticeable that there is nothing unusual about the length of the right arm but that the goin area has printed.

The Turin shroud has an elongated right arm and no detail in the groin area.

The reversed front print. The highlighted areas coincide with the marked areas on the model