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Their thoughts on the Meaning of Masonry

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Turning The Hiram Key

Find out what Masonry means to Robert by reading his latest book, Turning The Hiram Key.

- Robert's own thoughts about his new book
- The official launch website
- Get hold of a signed copy
By Monkey Wrench
I did nt know how many of my ancestors belonged to the Craft until after I entered the Lodge. My two Uncles, wre members, my two great uncles were 33 degree Masons, my two great grandfathers were past masters. My great grandfather married into the Sinclair family!
I joined when i was over 40 years od age! Why all the secrecy?

I am a (twice) past master in Canadian Workings and (twice) past master in American(Ancient) workings.

Here are some a "downers" that have affected my peace of mind as a Freemason:

Years ago, after i joined I was asked: "How could you have joined the Freemasons knowing that that '*&^%$#@ @!#@%$ belongs to it?

One of our DDGM:
Over ruled the Book of Constitutions
Embarrassed the memory of a Past Master(In Lodge)
Closed the VSL with a "slam"
Embarrassed our JUnior Warden at banquet( he demitted)
In public, he showed arrogance.
He would not listen to advice.
-And he got away with it!

I live in a small town, and these two examples hurt our Lodges!

"The charge that includes "The Ideal of a Freemason" should be studued and practised to the fullest by all of us!

In regard to "The Book of Hram" and 40 year venus cycle and the 480 year cycle, I am reminded of the Sumerians and their base 12 mathematics! (12 months,12 zodiac,12 deciples,) I wonder , any connection?
12 in a dozen, etc etc!
By John
My lodge is an oasis and a sea of calm in a manic, speeding and materialistic world.
My freemasonry is a warm feeling of belonging where I am supported as i develop as a person. It about integrity, honour and the long road to self improvement while through shared experience one helps others along the same path.
It a warm and caring brotherhood.
By drhaidamacflorin
Greeetings from Romania.Sorry for my english:)
I think FMY should remain secret because many people dont undertand this way off life..
Many people in my country says the FMY is something evil and against the church..
I dont think so...Reading the books wrotten by profesor Lomas and profesor knight i felt verry close with FMY.
You open my mind..
Thank you verry much
By Brother J.D.
Hello all,

I would like to address each topic suggested as follows:

I personally do feel that FMY should do its utmost to retain its veil of secrecy. This is not out of fear of false recrimination, but princely to retain as many of our traditions as possible. Too much in our world has been surrendered to modernisation, brought up-to-date with current ways of thinking. Indeed I don’t think it can reasonably be argued that the values of society are not being watered down as we speak. FMY presents a defined set of moral and social values that may be old fashioned , but are wholesome values non the less, that have survived through history because of the secretive nature of our order. Generations of Brothers before us, understood that in order to preserve the teachings and principles of The Craft, they must be veiled form the outside world of the non-initiated. I firmly believe that being accepted for membership, should be an honour bestowed on any man, who demonstrates the ability and willingness to abide by the tenants which we are all obligated to conform to. By keeping FMY hidden, we can do our utmost to ensure, that those who find themselves within our midst, are there for the right reasons, and are duly qualified to be there. The more we expose of ourselves, the more we chance our order succumbing to a modern age of disdain, through those who would join our order with ulterior and selfish motives, that have developed from a mis-informed interest in The Craft, almost certainly due to its increasing public stature. I would rather defend our actions and benevolence in silence, in the hope of preserving the integrity of FMY, for its long-term continuation.

To me personally ( and no Mason may speak for any, other than himself ), the Ritual presents a system of morality, that can be comprehended universally. It is not a religion in itself, nor does it profess to offer an explanation of one. The rules and regulations by which we are all bound, do not conflict with the core principles and values any of any religion or nations laws ( to the best of my knowledge ), it is simply a beautiful interpretation and description of how to conduct yourself in harmony with those around you.

Being admitted into FMY, is no doubt the greatest honour I have known. I come from a family with strong Masonic ties through both my mother and father. I do feel a strong zeal ( which i suspect is quite transparent ) and affinity for The Craft and my brethren. Having had a long standing interest prior to my initiation, it felt like the culmination of a journey, be presented as an E.A. Though i am sure that all brothers would agree that the most memorable day in their Masonic Career, is the day of their raising.

I have found my membership most fulfilling and rewarding. It is a great joy to meet with other men, who share a similar outlook on life, and the secure feeling that you are in company in which you may well feel enriched. Knowing that on any given night, you can enter a lodge anywhere, and upon proving your credentials, you will be warmly welcomed and received, that a room of what would otherwise be strangers, becomes instantly a room of friends, and an opportunity to share their peculiar interpretation of the degree work. It is a constant learning experience, and one that never disappoints me.

My answer to the fifth point, has been covered in my answer to the first. I do not think that it best to put any more of our order into the public domain, than has already been done.

I do most sincerely hope, that this has not come across as a rant, as that is far removed from my intent. It is purely my personal perspective. For comparisons sake, my craft is governed by the G.L.o.S.

By Imhotep II
Freemasons is not at secret security, but an ORDER with secrets, and it shall remain this way, you can as a mason practise what you learn, but it is forbidden for a freemason to participate in a public discussion about freemasonry, and I really hope that anyone who does will be properly punished.

You need as a freemason to respect the privacy of you brothers, can you not do that, you are not even close to understand what et means to be a freemason, and you will be better of in a country or gentleman’s club
By Cervinus
Freemasonry should NOT be secret - but it should retain its "mystery" as part of its persona

Some of the ritual I find uplifting and thought provoking - the Craft rituals are particularly beautiful both in their content and their implications. Eg North-East corner; Charge to the Initiate.

My overwhelming thought immediately after the initiation ceremony and for many days after was " what the hell was that all about and what have I let myself in for". Perseverance has illuminated some of these dark corners and practice has led to an appreciation of the anachronistic use of language which I feel has tended to make me think about the content more - maybe that was the intention - if it was it succeeded and I think I am a better person for it.

On the other hand some of the ritual seems to delight in obfuscation - and I do not understand it at all right now. The storylines I usually find enjoyable (I belong to Craft; Royal Arch; Mark; Mariners; Rose Croix and ROS.) and find areas of overlap and further illumination.

I feel that many would find it difficult to verbalise what Freemasonry means to them - but they keep coming back for more which can't be too bad.

By mwubuntu
My 'living resurrection' when made a Master Mason was one of the most significant moments in my life. It would be a profanity to put into mere words as 'Ignorance is displayed in a cloud of words'.

Regarding Freemasonry being kept secret.... I wouldn't worry about it too much. The world is much too distracted with their stomachs to give much thought to important matters.
By Nico
1. Freemasonry shoul'd be discreet.

2. Sacret,interresting,tels us about Humanities roots.

3. Spiritualy enlightened.

4. Sireen.

5. yes!
By William H. Barnwell
I just gave back my third degree last week 3/8/08. My father and grandfather were Masons. Dad never did very much after receiving his third degree, but my grandfather was very proud and always wore his Masonic ring, which I now wear.
I am 58 this year and I felt very proud of my accomplishment. My mother is very happy with what I have done. She never thought I would travel to be a Free Mason.
By Dorothy
My father, and probably my grandfather, were Freemasons. I know my father was very proud of this, but he never talked about it to any of the family. Now that I am "old", I wish he had spoken about it so that I could better understand his religious attitudes. Perhaps we would have had a better relationship if I had understood certain things. In our dining room were large framed certificates which I always assumed were proof of his level of achievement in the Freemasons. They had the columns etc. Do you know, I never read them completely or ever found out exactly what they meant. I regret that. I think that Freemasonry went back several or perhaps many generations in my family. I have done a great deal of genealogical research, and wish this was a findable piece of the puzzle.

Perhaps at one time, it was wise for Freemasonry to be secretive. I think that the time has come now, when most people are open to "new" ideas, for them to 'fess up and tell us the truth (as they know it).
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